To sign-up for Halat hisar, go to the Otavan opisto website and fill the form. Don’t be confused by the way it’s framed as a course. That’s just the way our partners at Otavan opisto prefer to refer to the larp.
The sign-up for Halat hisar 2016 will stay open until Monday March 21st. After that we will choose 35 Finnish-speaking and 10 foreign (non-Finnish, non-Palestinian) participants.The sign-up and selection for the Palestinian participants traveling from outside Finland will be announced later.
Player Selection
We will choose the players based on the sign-up forms with an emphasis on diversity: We wish to have a good ratio of new players and experienced larpers, a healthy gender and age balance, and foreign participants from as many different countries as possible.
We strongly encourage young people (18-25 years) and people without previous larp experience to sign up. When making choices between people in the same categories regarding gender, age, nationality or other qualifiers, we will make the selection randomly. To take part in Halat hisar, you’ll have to be at least 18 years old during the game (June 16-19, 2016).
Participants who already played the 2013 run are welcome to sign up as well.
Inclusion and a Warning
We strive to make Halat hisar an inclusive game where everybody will feel welcome regardless of their gender, sexuality, ethnicity or whether they are cis or gender-queer. However, conservative Christian fundamentalists are an important faction in the game, and this means there will be some in-game homophobia. Off-game we don’t tolerate it. Most LGBT characters will probably prefer to stay in closet.
There will also be rough scenes such as detentions and interrogations, and you should expect to face at least verbal abuse. However, we will provide safety mechanics that allow you to opt out from any situation that doesn’t work for you as a player.
The players should be at the venue on Thursday night, as we start workshops on Friday morning. The event will end by Sunday evening. The dates are June 16-19, 2016.
The game will cost 75 € if you want to sleep in a bed, and 45 € if you choose the option of sleeping on a dormitory floor. The fee will be paid onsite in cash to the venue. Both categories include food.
Those who participate in the larp will receive a questionnaire for casting purposes after the selection.
If you want to check out the website of the 2013 run of Halat hisar, it’s here. It features background material for the alternate history world of Halat hisar. We will tune it for the 2016 edition, but the broad outline is the same.
If you have any questions, please contact us: Kaisa Kangas (kaisa.kangas@helsinki.fi) and Juhana Pettersson(jlp@iki.fi).