Halat hisar 2013

Photo by Tuomas Puikkonen from the 2013 Halat hisar
Photo by Tuomas Puikkonen from the 2013 Halat hisar

Halat hisar was first run in 2013. There was a test game at Ropecon in the summer, and then the actual larp in November.

Core team: Fatima AbdulKarim, Kaisa Kangas, Riad Mustafa, Juhana Pettersson, Maria Pettersson, Mohamad Rabah

Date: 15. – 17. 11. 2013 (main run), 27.7.2013 (test game)

Location: Parkano, Finland (main run), Espoo, Finland (test game)

Participants: 70, including the players of supporting characters (main run), 12 (test game)

Financial support: Taiteen edistämiskeskus, Suomen kulttuurirahasto

Produced by Pohjoismaisen roolipelaamisen seura


The 2013 version of Halat hisar has been extensively documented. The game’s website is here, and contains all kinds of material.


Life Under Occupation is the documentation book for Halat hisat (2013). It’s edited by Juhana Pettersson and contains material about the project, articles the fictional setting, and texts from the participants detailing their experiences, as well as a wealth of photos.

The book can be downloaded as a free PDF here.

Photo by Tuomas Puikkonen from the workshops preceding the 2013 Halat hisar
Photo by Tuomas Puikkonen from the workshops preceding the 2013 Halat hisar


Tuomas Puikkonen was the principal documentation photographer for Halat hisar in 2013, and has a gallery here.